What Features Should I include in my app?
The question about what features you should include in your app is one that will take a good amount of time to fully answer. In fact, if you’re doing the whole ‘launch a mobile app’ thing, you’ll likely never be done thinking about, adding, and trimming features that should be or will-be included in your app.
The answer to this short question is actually going to take far more lines than you might realize – but by the time we’re done you’ll be grateful that we took the time. I’ll answer this question with a prompt that assumes different motivations behind the question. For example, if you ask what features you should include in your app, and your motivation is “to make the most money,” then I’ll start the answer with a prompt like this, “Answer: you should include features that users habitually pay for without hesitation” – for example.
So, lets jump in and review some answers to the all-important question: “What features should I include in my app?”
Answer: You should include the features that will make your minimum viable product WORK.
This answer assume that you are building an app with the goal of achieving market validation. A minimum viable product is a pre-production version of your app that offered the fewest number of features for a user to achieve some of the ultimate functionality of the app. But mostly those features that will give the user an idea of what the app is going to be able to do once it’s completed.
Answer: The One feature that makes your app stand apart from your competition
Answer: The feature that tells your prospective users what type of app you are offering…
Answer: The feature that you love the most in other apps
Answer: The feature that you wish existed in other apps
Answer: The feature that makes your users think
Answer: the feature that makes your users not have to think
Answer: the feature that is free to include
Answer: The feature that nobody else can afford do include