
Instagram adds Livestream Moderation Options

Instagram adds Livestream Moderation Options

Instagram has added a new feature that will let their users and streamers moderate their livestreams. On top of that, Instagram will allow someone that isn’t doing the livestream to be the moderator, as long as the host appoints said person as the moderator. 

The moderator will be able to report specific comments, remove viewers, and even turn off comments completely of everyone or specific viewers. This will make livestreams a much more friendly place, removing hate and negative comments. 

If you haven’t been inside of a livestream comment section before, you may mistake it with a Xbox Live session in 2012. Inappropriate behavior and comments everywhere, and all of it for no reason. At least Instagram will have a little more control over its comments on livestreams now. 

Monitoring comments that are made in real-time has always been a struggle, regardless of the platform. With this new moderation feature on Instagram, we hope that this can be a big leap in the right direction. 
