
How to Get More App Reviews 

How to Get More App Reviews  – Everything You Need To Know

How can I get more app reviews? Ever since Apple released an app store with 3rd-party developer apps on the platform, everyone has been wanting to look and seem more credible online. 

Over 90% of online users trust an online review as much, or sometimes more than a recommendation from a friend or family member. A positive experience inside of your app can quickly turn a non-biased user into an advocate of your app. On the flip side, one bad experience can sour the future of your app if it’s an issue that went unresolved on the app store reviews. 

The best way to get organic downloads to your app is to have authentic, real, and positive reviews all over your app’s profile page on the store. In this article, you’ll find a handful of tips and tricks to help your app get more organic (and a little bit of non-organic) reviews on your app’s home profile on the app store. 

Make Your App Reviewable 

If you have ever downloaded an app – ever – you’ll get a notification to leave a review pretty early into your experience. This is a wonky way of doing things. I just downloaded your app. How do you expect me to go and give you a 5-star rating before I’ve had any real experiences with your app? It’s a little backward. 

In fact, we would highly suggest not spamming people with pop-ups for a review early on. 

At the bottom of your app, where you could jump to different pages and sections, you’ll need a spot where users can click and be taken to review your app if they choose to do so. This will make sure the review isn’t forced, resulting in an organic review with authenticity. This will also incline the user to leave a review if they aren’t being harrassed for the review. 

Thoughtfully place Pop-ups

As we mentioned in the first tip, don’t spam users for a review right when they download. Instead, place them strategically through your app. Have this pop-up show up after they complete a level, win a championship, or even after acquiring the best card in the game. This is the time to ask them for a good review – right after something great happens to them inside of the app. 

Another good time for a review pop-up request is after a certain number of opens. If a specific user has opened your app 7 times in the last 3 days, this is the perfect time to ask them to leave a review for you and your company. 

Rewards = Reviews

If your app has any virtual currency, it’s a great bartering piece to have the users leave a review. Do you want an extra 200 V-Bucks? Leave a review and we will send them your way! If your app doesn’t have a VC of any sort, offer them a discount on what you offer them. If your main source of income from the app is advertisements, tell the user youll turn ads off for them for an extended period of time. 

Whatever you’re willing to give them to review your app, it’s going to be worth it. Getting essentially free reviews is not only the best because they are free, but they are more authentic than you could ever pay for. 

Respond to Your Reviews 

Regardless of the tone of the review, it’s vital to respond. Most users will bypass the bad or good information given, but rather focus and notice that they are about to download an app that has developers the genuinely care about the user experience. 

If there is a problem that a user has brought to attention with a negative review, you have two options. You can either tell them in the response how to fix said problem, or you can simply give them a way to contact you. Make sure you show enthusiasm, optimism, and authenticity in your response, regardless of the topic of the review. 

Make Your App Worthy of a Review 

This may be the hardest part to play out. This may be the most obvious part of our recommendations, but it’s the most vital. If you don’t have a product that people can become passionate about, then it’s time to reassess your game plan and find a new way to tackle the problem you are trying to solve with your app. 

Focus on your product and make sure it is consumer-ready before you ever submit it to the app store. If you do that, reviews will inevitably follow you. 
