
User Made Ads Outperform Standard Ads by 50%

User Made Ads Outperform Standard Ads by 50%

It’s no secret that if you went to spend your marketing dollars in a great way, you need to find an influencer that believes in your brand. The “content creators” in this social media world are more influential than ever, and their endorsement could lead up to a 50% uptick in your marketing ROI. 

Ads made by a content creator, regardless of the type of way they are marketing, can outperform a conventional ad by 20%-50% according to a new infographic shared by ConsumerAcquisition.

These personalized ads are delivering at a 12x engagement rate than before, but that’s partly because 66% of brands have increased their creator campaigns budgets. As of right now, 96% of brands are using Instagram Stories to reach their audience. Three out of every four businesses are currently paying an influencer to market for them. 

TikTok is the top 3 social platform after Facebook and Instagram and is projected to reach a 25% market share by 2024. On top of that, Tik Tok ads are being received at a 10% higher rate than any other social media.
